H T T P : / / P R O M O . F I S T I N G F L I C S . C O M



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Link trades: Please only request a link trade if you have niche content MGP / TGP.
This means fisting, insertion or bizarre fetishes only! We wont list hardcore or teen etc.

Contact me directly to trade hard links on these sites:


ICQ: 1-9-3-4=1-9-2-0-7
email: p h i l 'at' f i s t i n g f l i c s . c o m

Looking for content? If you need free hosted movie galleries featuring bizarre
fisting and insertion content, then please take a look at our sponsors below:


Fistingflics.com - Cash program
Excellent ratio conversions with content featuring full length fisting movies
Promo material features: banners and free hosted movie galleries.


Sicflics.com - Bizarre webmaster program
The best ratio conversions, contains over 1200 bizarre movies.
Promo material features: banners and free hosted movie galleries.